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How will you rise from your grave?
Resurrection Message

For the past three years, the disciples of Jesus had witnessed the marvelous life, teaching, and ministry of their Master. Then suddenly, they witnessed the horrifying sight of their Lord being arrested, crucified, dead and buried. Now the disciples huddled together in an upper room and wondered what was to become of them. Their minds and hearts were filled with all kinds of thoughts and emotions . . . fear of persecution, guilt and shame over their desertion of Jesus, doubt and despair regarding their messianic hope, and a sense of abandonment and hopelessness. Basically, their dreams and expectations had died with Jesus.
I am sure that we can all identify with any one of these emotions: fear, shame, doubt, despair, and hopelessness. What, then, will restore your hope? What will revive your spirit? How will you rise from your grave? It is at moments like these that we find assurance in the resurrection presence and words of our Lord. Let us reflect on the text in John 20:19-22.

(1) His Assuring Presence: “Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you’”(v.19). Jesus knew the solution to his disciples’ sense of insecurity was the assurance of his presence. And thus his opening word was that of blessing?“Shalom” or “Peace be with you”?not rebuke for their cowardice or betrayal. He is saying: “I am here with you. I haven’t rejected you. I want to comfort you and assure you.”

(2) His Assuring Commission: “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you” (v.21). Despite their failure and shortcoming, the Lord entrusts his disciples with his works. He had exemplified to them: “as the Father has sent me.” Now he delegates them: “I am sending you.” Our Lord is indeed the “Lord of second chance.” He is willing to recommit his trust to us. He is saying, “I believe in you. I want to invest myself in you again. I am going to use you more effectively.”

(3) His Assisting Power: “He breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’” (v.22). The breath of Jesus signifies the resurrection life in the Spirit. Jesus imparts to us the power of his Spirit. Not only does He commission us, but he equips and empowers us to do God’s work. He is saying, “I will help you. I will empower you to accomplish all that I have intended for you to do.”

May you be blessed by these assuring words and the accompanying presence of our Lord Jesus on this Resurrection Sunday! Shalom!

Pastor Daniel Kim